public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag "groupe:clever age"

April 2007

Google Code - Updates: Google releases patches that enhance the manageability and reliability of MySQL

by 1 other (via)
The high availability features include support for semi-synchronous replication, mirroring the binlog from a master to a slave, quickly promoting a slave to a master during failover, and keeping InnoDB and replication state on a slave consistent during crash recovery. The manageability features include new SQL statements for monitoring resource usage by table and account. This includes the ability to count the number of rows fetched or changed per account or per table. It also includes the number of seconds of database time an account uses to execute SQL commands.

Poo-tee-weet - blog

But still, the future of CMS with PHP cannot be stuck with PHP4 until eternity. I really want to use a nice framework that leverages all the cool new PHP5 features and most importantly the new established design philosophies found since the advent of PHP5.

BehaviourDrivenDevelopment - Behaviour-Driven Development

by 4 others (via)
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is an evolution in the thinking behind TestDrivenDevelopment and AcceptanceTestDrivenPlanning.

Elgg: the open source social networking platform

by 16 others (via)
Elgg is an open source social networking platform based around choice, flexibility and openness: a system that firmly places individuals at the centre of their activities.

The social structure of Free and Open Source software development

We suggest, therefore, that it is wrong to assume that FLOSS projects are distinguished by a particular social structure merely because they are FLOSS. Our findings suggest that FLOSS projects might have to work hard to achieve the expected development advantages which have been assumed to flow from "going open." In addition, the variation in communications structure across projects means that communications centralization is useful for comparisons between FLOSS teams. We found that larger FLOSS teams tend to have more decentralized communication patterns, a finding that suggests interesting avenues for further research examining, for example, the relationship between communications structure and code modularity.

March 2007

Experiences using clustering with eZ publish 3.8

In a recent install we utilised the clustering functionality and found a number of issues that are not highlighted in any of the documentation.

Clustering in eZ publish 3.8 / Articles / Community

This article explains the eZ publish 3.8 clustering architecture. It also discusses problems with clustering in previous eZ publish versions, shows how these issues have been resolved in version 3.8, and gives you an idea of the results you can expect from clustering.

Interview - Fabien Potencier (Sensio Labs)

En général, les frameworks sont orientés par les conditions d'utilisation de leur créateur. Ruby on Rails a été créé par une société centrée sur des développements Web 2.0. Quant à Symfony, il est issu de 5 ans d'expérience de Sensio Labs dans le développement pour les grands comptes. Dans cette logique, nous assurons également le support des versions antérieures de Symfony pendant un à deux ans, et ce à la différence des technologies concurrentes qui imposent le plus souvent de migrer à chaque nouvelle version.

Automatic Multi Language Program Library Generation for REST APIs

Besides all these negative points, there are very strong positive points as well. OK, SOAP/WSDL might not be the best choice for every application, but for many at least it is a not so bad one. And even if code generation does not always work perfectly, it usually saves a lot of work. There is just this feeling that there should be something simpler, more straight-forward, and more intuitive. And then REST enters the stage. It is not that REST by definition is easier than SOAP/WSDL. In fact, for machines it is not easier at all.

InfoQ: WADL REST API description language getting some attention

by 2 others, 3 comments (via)
Last week, Google's Thomas Steiner unveiled that he is working on a Google project for generating language specific client libraries from WADL and generating WADL from documentation examples, tentatively called Google REST Compile and Google REST Describe. Thomas chose WADL as the description language to be used with the new tool, after examining all the alternatives

Enhanced Selection Datatype v2.0

I have some good news for the fans of the Enhanced Selection datatype for eZ publish: version 2.0 is in the works. The new version will contain some shiny new features, but it will also be completely rewritten from scratch. The code of the currently released version is almost ancient and a rewrite will make it easier to add new features (and of course, bring it more up to date with eZ standards).


Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files.

February 2007

John Resig - Thoughts on OpenAjax

Reality is never as good as it seems, though, as I have some issues with both the alliance and the OpenAjax Hub implementation

Yahoo! UI Library: Browser History Manager

by 3 others (via)
The YUI Browser History Manager is an experimental component designed to facilitate the creation of web applications in which the navigation buttons are fully functional and in which broad aspects of an application's state — what panels are open, what tabs are active, etc. — can be bookmarked.

Joe Gregorio | BitWorking | REST and WS-*

by 2 others (via)
If there are many clients then the demands for caching semantics will be begin to dominate. In that case you need to abandon HTTP as just a simple transport and start using the application level semantics of HTTP to start leveraging the caching architecture already built into the Internet.

rest-discuss : Message: Sun proposes to apply Web service standardization principles to REST

This is like asking Karl Rove and Dick Cheney to write the Democratic Party platform.

Migrating to PHP 5.2.1 Slides - iBlog - Ilia Alshanetsky

The slides for the Migrating to 5.2.1 from the Vancouver conference are now available, they can be found here:

JSR-170: What's in it for me? -- CMS Watch

by 1 other (via)
As you can imagine, JSR-170 is likely to cause a healthy shake-up in the CMS market and beyond. But standards like this can seem very abstract, begging the question, "what's in it for me?" To answer that question, we'll take a closer look at the repository problem today, the new standard, and then we’ll get back to the positive impacts for developers, CIOs, system integrators, editors, and even vendors.

ongoing · Comparing Frameworks

The problem at hand is Web Application Building. Thus we are not considering general issues of compute performance, because in Web apps, you don’t do much computing. You get some values from the browser, you use them to pull some info out of a database, you report them to the user, maybe you update the database, and that’s about it.